Sunday, December 14, 2008

Religious Freedom

All Scientologists and non-Scientologists who value religious freedom should join together in this effort to keep Scientologists free to practice their religion, and to protect religious freedom rights in the Constitution and justice system.

On the individual level, supporters should spread positive awareness through informative, open communication in churches and through community service projects. If awareness is spread, then less people will fear Scientology and see it as a dangerous cult, and more people will be aware of the positive impact Scientology has on the communities it interacts with. This awareness can be spread by blogs, websites, articles, and editorials. It can also be spread through day to day interactions and public support of religious tolerance. In addition to spreading awareness, it is necessary for individuals to write to politicians to keep religious freedom rights enforced and encouraging them to support religious tolerance nationwide and the recognition of Scientology as a religion.

Help enforce religious freedom and keep human rights alive!!