Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scientology in Recent News

Actor Will Smith donated $122, 500 to the Church of Scientology.

He gave a combined $122,500 to the Church of Scientology, broken into these donations: $67,500 to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxication Fund, $50,000 to the group's Celebrity Center in Hollywood and $5,000 to ABLE, another Scientology offshoot. Smith and his wife have also supported a private school called New Village Academy they opened this fall in suburban Los Angeles that uses Scientology learning concepts.

Will Smith publicly supports Scientology, and has said that he himself is not a Scientologist.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Religious Freedom

All Scientologists and non-Scientologists who value religious freedom should join together in this effort to keep Scientologists free to practice their religion, and to protect religious freedom rights in the Constitution and justice system.

On the individual level, supporters should spread positive awareness through informative, open communication in churches and through community service projects. If awareness is spread, then less people will fear Scientology and see it as a dangerous cult, and more people will be aware of the positive impact Scientology has on the communities it interacts with. This awareness can be spread by blogs, websites, articles, and editorials. It can also be spread through day to day interactions and public support of religious tolerance. In addition to spreading awareness, it is necessary for individuals to write to politicians to keep religious freedom rights enforced and encouraging them to support religious tolerance nationwide and the recognition of Scientology as a religion.

Help enforce religious freedom and keep human rights alive!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Human Rights Day

Today is Human Rights Day. It is also the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Church of Scientology is aiming to raise public awareness of human rights. Scientologists from around the world strive towards enforcing the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This declaration would make human rights a fact.

Religious tolerance is considered a basic human right according to this document, which would protect Scientologists around the world.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Anonymous Vs. Scientology

Anonymous is an online group that are attempting to ban Scientology and get rid of their rights as a religion. They join together to try to overpower the Church with terrorist acts such as bomb threats, death threats, and website hackings.

Anonymous executed their first attacks against Scientology on the internet, but more recently have mobilized their efforts in the real world.

Karin Pouw, Scientology’s director of public affairs, released the statement that “The church and its parishioners seek only to halt the illegal campaign of violence, terror, and intimidation perpetuated by individuals who call themselves Anonymous."

They also try to convince many people that Scientology is a scam and a dangerous cult, which is not accurate.
Scientology is a choice, and church members must make the choice to practice the religion on their own. Even children must make this choice on their own to practice Scientology.

In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by personally applying its principles and observing or experiencing results.

Kushner, David. “Anonymous Vs. Scientology”. Maxim. Aug. 2008: 108-114.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Scientology Symbols

The eight-pointed cross represents the eight dynamics of life through which each individual is striving to survive....
To be able to live happily with respect to each of these spheres of existence is symbolized by the Scientology cross.

As a matter of interest, the cross as a symbol predates Christianity.

This Scientology symbol is an S imposed over two triangles. The S stands for Scientology. The two triangles represent important concepts in the Scientology religion. The lower triangle is made up of affinity, reality and communication, which together lead to total understanding. The top triangle consists of another set of closely interrelated factors: knowledge, responsibility, and control.